Thursday, August 27, 2009

Free Home Business Coaching: Three Steps to Making Money Doing What You Love

"I broke down and cried like a baby when I finally figured this out..."

Hi, I'm David H. Paul, an ordinary family guy with a burning desire to accomplish two things in life. 1) Raise my kids in such a way that they have every opportunity to do what they love and experience immense success and satisfaction from it, and 2) Figure out how in the h*** to practice what I'm trying to teach my kids.

So, what am I trying to teach my kids? Simply put, Do Exactly What You Love and The Universe Will Reward You with Success in All Areas of Your Life.

You Can Now Learn Three Steps to Making Money Doing What You Love.

Those tears I cried when I finally figures out how to doing what I love where tears of sheer joy and relief. I could, now show my kids how to do what you love and make money doing it, rather than just talk about it. I finally knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was doing exactly what I was born to do, and I will never have to stress out, feel anxiety about, or get frustrated over a j.o.b., a boss, or someone else's company ever again.

Ok, so Here Are Three Steps..... Ready? Are You Sure You're Ready?

Step 1- Go back into you memory banks, even way back into your early childhood if necessary, and think about all of your most happy and satisfying experiences. Which of those experiences did you love, really LOVE the most?

Step 2- Right Now, go get a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. On that sheet of paper I want you to think back again to what you really LOVE, and write down your top 2 or 3 things you love the most.

Step 3- Now, I want you to write on that sheet of paper a promise to yourself. I want you to promise yourself that NO Matter What, You Are Going To Find a Way Come H*** or High Water To Make Money Doing Something Related to At Least One of Those 2 or 3 thing you just wrote down. If you can make that commitment to yourself, right now, then you are on you way.

You are now on your way to discovering how you can finally have success in doing exactly what you love, and "Follow Your Bliss". Even if you have struggled for 15 years (I did), trust me when I tell you that the secret to making it all happen for you is in figuring out how to turn what you love into a full time income.

Now, based on your new found passion for doing what you love, you need to begin your journey of researching, developing, and finally starting a successful online business that will make all of your dreams, goals, and desires a reality.

With Love and Respect,

David H. Paul
Your Home Business Coach
and Friend for Life

Free Home Business Coaching: Never Pay for Leads Again

For those of you who are struggling to find your way through the maze of money making programs and scams out there online, I have for you today a breath of fresh air:

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Take Care,

David H. Paul

Your Home Business Coach

and Friend For Life

Monday, August 24, 2009

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Free Home Business Coaching: What it means to Follow Your Bliss

Hi Everyone,

As you may be aware, I am giving away Free Home Business Coaching, both on this blog and on Skype: dhpgolf. Why? This is my way of giving something back. On my journey of following my personal bliss, I have been blessed with the security of owning and operating a very stable home business. So, I don't need the money. I have learned that by helping you to get what you truly want and desire most in you life, to help you learn to "Follow Your Bliss", I will get what I want and desire most, the gleeful joy of knowing that I made a difference in the world.

My #1 passion in life is to be able to make a difference in the world with the gifts that I have been given. Now gifts are nothing without the education, skill development and willingness to learn and grow that is necessary for to make your dreams, goals, and desires a reality. You have heard and seen the phrase "Follow Your Bliss" all over my stuff for the past few months, and this is not a new idea by any means. What I am going to present to you today just may change your perception of this concept. And this may also shine some light on why so many people choose an easier, softer way of life.

I have a Bachelor's Degree and I am 4 classes away from earning a Master's Degree in Training and Performance Improvement. But this is not the kind of education that I am referring to here. The kind of education that is required to "Follow Your Bliss" comes from practicing a very simple principle that Mark Joyner teaches, "You must ruthlessly and mercilessly root out all negative personality traits within you." Trust me when I tell you that the "school of hard knocks" education that comes from fully practicing this principle will teach you everything you need to know in order to truly "Follow Your Bliss".

Let take a closer look at this idea. First of all, what in the world is a negative personality trait? Even more basic, what is a personality trait? Here are the top 5 definitions of personality from


the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.


a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities: He is a curious personality.




the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual.


the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.


the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity.


the essential character of a person.

So, anything about your personal collection of qualities that impresses others in a way that is less than pleasing would be considered a negative personality trait. What is your personal identity? What is your essential character?

Oh, I can hear it now, "You can't change your personality. People don't change like that." "You can't just go change who you are just like that. It's impossible."

I'm here to tell you and prove to you that not only is it possible to change your personality, but that it is REQUIRED in order to truly "Follow Your Bliss". Case in point (non-Christian bear with me): Jesus did it. Christians will recalled the story of Jesus as a young adult going into a rage in the Jewish temple over the fact that people were using the temple as their own personal market place. Over time, Jesus changed himself from the inside out to the point where he allowed himself to be crucified at the hands of the Roman Soldiers. If you don't know what it means to be crucified just click on the hyperlink. Jesus is the ultimate example of what it means to "Follow Your Bliss". Jesus loved his father, God, above all else and he changed from the inside out in order to live his life accordingly. What do you love more than anything else? As long as what you come up with doesn't entail harming others or yourself, then you have probably found your bliss. But, to "Follow Your Bliss" means to change yourself from the inside out. It means to do what you love most to the best of your ability, and make a difference in the world.

Yikes, I know. At this point you are either rolling up your sleeves to start working, or you are getting ready to stop reading my blog. You have either realized that to "Follow Your Bliss" means that you are going to work harder than you ever have before, or you have decided to take the easier, softer way. If you stick with the process of rooting out your negative personality traits and do the work to change yourself from the inside out, then you are now ready to be coached.

If you choose the easier softer way, then unfortunately your life will most likely be one of safety, mediocrity, and frankly not all that abundant. I wish you all the best, but you are not ready to be coached.

For those who are still reading and have decided that you want what I have, a passion to make a difference and the willingness to "ruthlessly and mercilessly root out all negative personality traits within you", then keep coming back. Over the next month or so, I will be laying out a step by step plan of action that with help you grow like you've never grown before.

I am absolutely ecstatic about the journey that we are going to take together as you now lay the foundation for a life of true happiness and abundance as you now "Follow Your Bliss".

Take Care,

David H. Paul

Your Home Business Coach

and Friend for Life