Hi Everyone,
Today I would like to explore this question: Do You Do What You Love and Love What You Do?
In my experiences doing Free Home Business Coaching on Skype over the past year, I have gotten some very interesting and eye opening responses to this question. I am going to share some of those responses with you because I’ll bet you can relate. Then I’m going to give you some resources that will help you to take action in order to increase your happiness and get on track with living more in line with your own personal values and passions. I call it “Living God’s Will with courage and faith”, but you can call it whatever you like. Some call it “Being in Tune with the Unversed” or “living the Hero’s Journey”, etc. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you feel it, so just keep reading, ok?
Ok, hopefully I can pull this off in words. What I really aught to do is get on camera (more to come), but here goes….
Once again the question is, Do You Do What You Love and Love What You Do?. Now of course I’ve gotten the standard “yes” and ‘no” answers, and this is where the insight, compassion and understanding begins. People will say a lot more with the tone of their voice and hesitation before answering than with the actual words they say. And often the words will just emphasis the point. Take a look…
In probing further into the “no” answers, here is what I heard: 1) “In my country, we are grateful and happy just knowing that we were able to support and keep our family together from one day to the next. So, anything I can do to make that happen, for my family, is what I love.” 2) ”I think you’re full of **it if you think that you can just do anything you want just because you love doing it and be able to support yourself and your family that way. What, are you f***ing Nuts?!”
You’ll notice on first blush that both of these responses are similar in that many, many people (including myself) focus their passions, intentions, goals, and dreams (their Bliss) somewhat on the impact that what they do has upon their families. This is a Major Motivator for most of us, right? I thought so :) But, why is it a motivator for you?
To help you gain some insight, let’s take a closer look at these responses, and I want you to do a little reading into the words. Whatever you discover is the right answer for you. Imagine where each of these individuals comes from. How happy are each of them with their current circumstances? What do you think each person is saying under their words? As you look more closely at each response, the differences and the meanings behind those differences are profound, aren’t they. You can now see that one of these individuals is actually “Doing What You Love” where to other is most likely just “Reacting to What You Hate”. Can you see it?
Please add your insights in the comments section below, so we can all learn from each other.
If you would like to “Follow Your Bliss” and “Do What You Love and Love What You Do”, a good place to start is with my Free eBook: “Follow Your Bliss to Home Business Success”. Get Your Free Copy by Clicking Here.
Get the Insider Secrets on...
- How to Find and Follow You Bliss. Discover How to Turn What You Love to Do into Income for Life!
- How to Pull the Plug on and Eliminate Negative Emotions that seem to Pop Up Just When You're On the Verge of Greatness!
- How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs that Seem to Squelch Your Efforts to Follow Your Bliss!
- How to Apply and Practice the Law of Attraction in order to Follow You Bliss and Enjoy Overwhelming Abundance!
- How to Identify You Core Personal and Spiritual Values and use Your Values as You Anchor to Follow Your Bliss!
Get “Follow Your Bliss to Home Business Success” for a limited time, free. Click Here to get your free copy now.
Take Care,
David H. Paul
and Friend for Life
Skype: david-h-paul