Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How Do Smokers Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight?

How Do Smokers Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight?

Monday, September 07, 2009

It is now possible to learn how to quit smoking without gaining weight. In fact, most people (97.2%) who follow my method have no weight gain issues whatsoever…

quit smoking without gaining weightMy name is David Paul, and I have been a nonsmoker for the past 13 years. Prior to my smoking secession, I was a pack and a half a day chronic smoker, hopelessly addicted to nicotine. What worked for me to become a nonsmoker was a rudimentary hypnosis program, the likes of which would be laughed at by today’s standards on how to quit smoking without gaining weight. What that program back in 1996 did not address how to deal with the 20 pound weight gain that I experienced after quitting.

Most experts in the medical profession recommend that you include a diet and exercise program in you plan to quit smoking without gaining weight. This is often recommended because statistics show that over half of all people to quit smoking and stay quit for more than 6 months experience at least a 10 pound weight gain. This only reinforces the myth that “I’m going to get fat if I quit smoking”. We are essentially programming ourselves to replace our smoking habit with an overeating habit.

The good news is the latest programs designed to help you quit smoking will now teach you exactly how to quit smoking without gaining weight. Programs like Quit Smoking Today are designed to take the dreaded replacement of your smoking habit with an eating habit completely out of the equation. In fact, my latest findings on the most effective and affordable programs to quit smoking show “You will not suffer from hunger - there will be no weight gain”.

If you truly want to learn how to quit smoking without gaining weight and experience better health as a nonsmoker, then you must now experience the following program; Quit Smoking Today: Amazing Secret Guarantees You'll Stop Smoking Today.

Don't suffer through unwanted weight gain when you quit smoking like I did. Quit Smoking Today.

Take Care,

David H. Paul

13 Year NonSmoker
And Your Friend for Life

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How to Deal With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

How to Deal With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Monday, September 7, 2009

If you have ever attempted to quit smoking or quit chewing tobacco then, depending on the level of you addiction and the methods you used to quit, you are painfully familiar with nicotine withdrawal symptoms caused by physical addiction to nicotine. These withdrawal symptoms at their extreme include:

- Severe Sinus Pressure and Sinus Headache
- Extreme Emotional Irritability
- Cold Sweats
- Low Grade Fever
- Uncontrollable Cravings
- Shaky Hands and Feet
- Anger/Rage Outbursts

Nicotine Withdrawal SymptomsMy name is David Paul, and I have been a non-smoker for the past 13 years. Prior to my smoking secession, I was a pack and a half a day chronic smoker, hopelessly addicted to nicotine. In my process of becoming a non-smoker I experienced nicotine withdrawal symptoms cold turkey", in other words without assistance of medications, "the patch", medical help or treatment, or even the help and comfort of friends and family. In fact, I told everyone I knew to just leave me alone, completely, for the first 3 full days (72 hours) while I went through the worst of the nicotine withdrawals symptoms. I have to admit that this was the most difficult thing I have ever stuck with and lived through in my life. Being the extreme addict that I was, I actually experienced nicotine withdrawal symptoms twice before I finally found a solution that would help me to once and for all become a non-smoker now.

The solution that helped me to never again experience the pain and suffering of nicotine withdrawal symptoms for the past 13 years was a program that was based around hypnosis. Back in 1996, the field of hypnosis was not nearly as a well developed as it is today, and I did not have at my disposal an affordable method for dealing with my nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The good news for you is that knowledge of and treatment for nicotine withdrawal symptoms has grown leaps and bounds over the past 13 years.

Current solutions to the pain and suffering of nicotine withdrawal symptoms include medications designed to reduce cravings, nicotine tapering products, support groups, medical treatment programs, and complete programs based on the proven principles of hypnosis and NLP. There are now complete solutions to all of the symptoms and difficulties related to smoking and tobacco secession. So as a result, the all too familiar withdrawal pangs of irritability, mood swings and cravings, the primary reasons why people fail to permanently quit smoking, will be replaced with feelings of relaxation, improved self confidence and overall happiness.

If you are hoping to quit smoking or chewing once and for all and really want to avoid nicotine withdrawal symptoms as much as possible, then help is on its way. My research into the most current, highly effective (97.2%) and affordable methods to quit smoking forever, today has uncovered the following program; Quit Smoking Today: Amazing Secret Guarantees You'll Stop Smoking Today.

Don't suffer through nicotine withdrawal symptoms like I did. Quit Smoking Today.

Take Care,

David H. Paul

13 Year Non-Smoker
And Your Friend for Life

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