Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Help Someone Quit Smoking

Monday, September 07, 2009

So you want to know how to help someone quit smoking? If you are at your whit’s end, and nothing seems to work to get that loved one to finally quit, then this message is for you…

Help Someone Quit SmokingMy name is David Paul, and I have been a non-smoker for the past 13 years. Prior to my smoking secession, I was a pack and a half a day chronic smoker, hopelessly addicted to nicotine. In order to become a nonsmoker, I first had to really want and ask for help and then accept the help I was offered to quit smoking. I absolutely refused to let any of my family or friends help me quit. You see, I thought I needed to do this all by myself, my way or the highway. I created my own private help for a whole month in the process. I have to admit that this was the most difficult and one of the most stupid decisions I have ever made. It would have been a whole lot easier to ask for help and accept the help of my friends and family.

What I want you to understand is that your loved one may not be willing to ask for or accept your help, just like me. As the last of a dying breed, we smokers are often embarrassed and prideful about our smoking habit. And this makes it difficult to reach out for help, especially from those whom we have hurt with our smoking the most. The smoker has to first be willing help him or herself before being willing to accept your offer to help. So, sometimes the best you can do is offer to help, make a suggestion (just one), and then back off and hope for the best. 

The solution that helped me to never again experience the pain and suffering of nicotine withdrawal symptoms for the past 13 years was a program that was based around hypnosis. Back in 1996, the field of hypnosis was not nearly as a well developed as it is today, and I did not have at my disposal an affordable method for dealing with my nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The good news for your loved one is that knowledge of and treatment for nicotine withdrawal symptoms has grown leaps and bounds over the past 13 years.

Current solutions to the pain and suffering of nicotine withdrawal symptoms include medications designed to reduce cravings, nicotine tapering products, support groups, medical treatment programs, and complete programs based on the proven principles of hypnosis and NLP. There are now complete solutions to all of the symptoms and difficulties related to smoking and tobacco secession. So as a result, the all too familiar withdrawal pangs of irritability, mood swings and cravings, the primary reasons why people fail to permanently quit smoking, will be replaced with feelings of relaxation, improved self confidence and overall happiness.

If your loved one asks for help, great. If not the your one suggestion had better be really good. My research into the most current, highly effective (97.2%) and affordable methods to quit smoking today has uncovered the following program; Quit Smoking Today: Amazing Secret Guarantees You'll Stop Smoking Today.

Don't let your loved one suffer through nicotine withdrawal symptoms like I did. Want to help someone quit smoking? Suggest that they try: Quit Smoking Today.

Take Care,

David H. Paul

13 Year NonSmoker
And Your Friend for Life

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Welcome to Your Guide to Quit Smoking Now Read more:

If you or someone you love wants to quit smoking once and for all, then you have come to the right place….

quit smoking nowMy name is David H. Paul, a successful non-smoker for the past 13 years. Before I finally became a non-smoker, I was a pack and a half a day chronic smoker for 12 straight years. Like most smokers, I started when I was in my late teens as a way to fit in with my crowd.  It didn’t take me long to believe that I had become addicted to cigarettes. If fact, my whole life revolved around cigarettes, smoking, and making sure I always had “enough smokes for the trip” (sound familiar?).

Back in 1996, help to quit smoking was fairly limited, and there certainly wasn’t a program that could help me to simply quit smoking now, yes right now, like there is today. I was successful in becoming a non-smoker because 1) I was hell bent on changing. I wanted to become a non-smoker more than anything else in the world, and I would be damned if I wasn’t going to do it, and 2) I had stumbled upon a neat little program (a booklet and a cassette tape) called “I am a Non-smoker”, and low and behold after 1 month and two honest tries, I successfully and permanently transformed into a non-smoker. It turns out that little cassette tape had a hypnosis program on it, and I listened to that tape every morning before I did anything else and every night before I fell asleep.

Within Your Guide to Quit Smoking Now you will find:

  • vital information on what it takes to quit smoking now
  • answers to your most pressing questions about quitting
  • how-to advice on preparing and then executing for success
  • tips on how to quit right now, once and for all
  • and even a method to create your own top ten list of reasons to quit

If you woud rather just get right to it and experience the latest and most effective (97.2% success rate) program to Quit Smoking Now, then you need to click here go to Quit Smoking Today: Amazing Secret Guarantees You'll Stop Smoking Today.  

Take Care,

David H. Paul
13 Year Non-smoker and Your Friend for Life

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