Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

In Order to Change the Outer, Change the Inner

Recently I have been learning and practicing, as best I can, a Hawaiian spiritual healing-cleaning-cleansing process called Ho’oponopono. Dr. Joe Vitale has written a book, “Zero Limits”, all about this 100% responsibility method for eliminating obstacles, literally, in all aspects of our personal lives and all obstacles in the the lives of all those whom we touch or even think about. Wow, that’s bold, isn’t it? But none the less, “Zero Limits” can help you do just that, completely eliminate every single obstacle you may encounter as you Follow Your Bliss.

Now a key concept in understanding how to learn to Follow Your Bliss is this: “In order to change the outer, we must first change the inner.” When I first started my “Hero’s Journey” I worked my but off trying to influence and control everything and everyone in my life, and I ended up failing miserably. I failed not because I was on the wrong life path. I failed because I wasn’t taking responsibility for what I was capable of changing; Myself.

Ho’oponopono takes takes personal responsibly to a a quantum leap forward and tells us that not only are we responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behavior, we are also responsible for all of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors as they related to everyone and everything that we come in contact with. “The one constant in any problem is the fact that you are there.” Therefore you are responsible for it.

So, what do we do with this huge, 100% responsibility? Some would say pray and let it go, others would say meditate, and still others would say release it. The options are as many as the number of difference cultures in the world. What "Zero Limits” teaches is that no matter what you choose to call it, you must acknowledge your conscious or even unconscious awareness of things, situations, problems, etc. and then erase, clean, clear, cleanse, or release everything to God, Buddha, Tao, or the Universe. The idea is to get to the “Zero State” where nothing is left but stillness and peace. This is the core of the onion. It is when we are at peace that we open ourselves to inspiration. Inspiration is where the “rubber meets the road” on one’s journey to Follow Your Bliss.

Stay tuned, because I’m just getting started :)

Take Care,

David H. Paul

Your Free Home Business Coach and Friend for Life

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Follow Your Bliss and Make Money While Your at it :)

As many of my regular follows know, my mission in life is to help you learn to Follow Your Bliss.

Exactly what does “Follow Your Bliss” mean? I first heard this phrase when I was studying and learning from Dr. Joseph Campbell, a world renowned Sociological Anthropologist and author of the book, “Hero of a Thousand Faces”. Dr. Campbell said that cultures the world over share a universal truth; Ones purpose in life is to discover what you love to do more than anything else and then spend the rest of your life pursuing that passion. All of the great leaders throughout history have done it; even Jesus did it. Dr. Campbell called this “the Hero’s Journey” and believed that this was the secret to unlimited happiness and fulfillment in life.

I been attempting to find and follow my bliss ever since, and to my joy I have found it. For me it is all about serving others with love, respect, and compassion. In that light, I own, live-in and manage a foster home for adults with disabilities, and because of this business I am able to spend a great deal of time on my second passion, helping you learn to find and follow your bliss.

I am in the process of developing a Free Ebook, “Learn to Follow Your Bliss and Make Money While Your At It”, and in the interim I would like to give you a free gift, an online copy of Dr. Joe Vitale’s new book “Attract Money Now”. Just click any of the hyperlinks here to get your free copy.

I can also contact me for coaching or friendship on your journey to Follow Your Bliss @ my website:

Take Care,

David H. Paul

Your Free Home Business Coach

and Friend for Life