For the past 6 weeks I have had the pleasure and blessing of being a part of a wonderful membership site called Attract Miracles by Dr. Joe Vitale.
Here's Just Some of What You have Gotten Inside The Attract Miracles Community...
- Need a miracle? You can post your intention to attract whatever you desire for all members to see. This intention can be for anything: money, healing, relationship, insight. The simple act of intending to attract that miracle and posting it (anonymously if you wish) puts it in the awareness of the community. Be among the first to post your miracles and be a part of this growing force for Attracting Miracles today!
- Celebrate your miracles! One of the best ways to attract miracles is to feel gratitude for what you receive. Imagine how uplifted you'd feel if you spent a few minutes reading about miracles fellow members attracted. Plus, you'll know you are giving back to the community when you post your own miracles. This is a powerful antidote to the negativity the media puts out every day! The more you give gratitude here, the more you receive... it's that simple.
- Let Me Guide You Each Day: I've added a guided meditation for you to listen to as often as you like that brings you into the ideal state to attract miracles. When you (and the other members) listen to this peaceful and life changing audio we all connect to change the energy of those around us and the world itself. Now you can tap into this energy every day and not only attract what you desire, but hold the intention for others around the world, too.
- Ask me a question! In the members area you will be able to submit questions for me. Answers will be posted for all members benefit. This rare and valuable feature is priceless because I get so much email and phone calls coming in to my office that I can't personally answer them.
- Get Instant Answers! You can instantly find out what you want to know because I've already posted answers to dozens of questions - both written and in audio and video, too. This section of the site will continue to grow as more questions come in from you and other members. Sometimes it just takes a quick insight to turn your whole day around!
- Stay Up to Date! I'll record a new EXCLUSIVE audio or video each month The Attract Miracles Community. You can listen any time you want! I'll share my latest thoughts on attracting miracles and questions from the members. No matter what is going on in the world or your day to day life, we'll all benefit by sharing new ideas each month. This is especially important in these times when it seems everywhere you turn someone is predicting disaster and suffering. Together, we'll create a new reality full of miracles!
- Get Access to The Miracles Library: I've included my favorite digital books (even rare and out of print ones) for you because I know how much each one transformed MY life. More classics and current favorites will be added for you to enjoy and feed your mind life changing ideas and beliefs.
- Watch Inspiring Videos: There is a growing collection of some of my most popular talks and presentations. It's like being at a virtual seminar. Some are just a few minutes and answer quick questions, and some are full length taken straight from archives of live events costing thousands of dollars to attend. Immerse yourself in a wealth of videos any time you like without traveling any further than your computer!
- Tap Into a Positive Oasis Every Day: It's so easy to slip into fear and forget your intentions with all the negativity around us every day. Now you have a place to turn to for positive, miracles focused energy. The Community is negativity FREE zone so you can log in and soak in the energy whenever you want 24 hours a day.
- Meet Fellow Members: Now you can meet like minded people who are supportive and focused on Attracting Miracles. Imagine the energy, the connections, and the bonding that happens at live workshops and events. In the community, you'll be able to meet people without leaving home - and you may even find people in your area. Each member has the opportunity to customize their profile in the community (with complete privacy, too) so it's easy to meet wonderful people you have things in common with.
Heard Enough, Want In? Click HERE
There's More...
- Get a Miracle Message in your Inbox: You'll get emails about miracles, intentions, and inspiration that will keep you focused on attracting what you want in your life. You'll look forward to getting these emails because they'll uplift you, give you clarity and reconnect you to the awakening journey.
- Discover More About Intentional Meditation: The more you know about the science and research behind the power of group intentions, the more you raise your belief in Attracting Miracles. Because we all create more of what we believe it is so important to understand how to intentionally attract what you want. Watch the members area as we add more exciting discoveries and findings about this fascinating topic.
- Clear Unconcious Counter Intentions: When you get clear, you open yourself to attracting the miracles your heart desires. Once there are no hidden unconcious counter intentions in the way miracles find you more quickly and easily. You'll find my favorite clearing techniques explained in the members area.
- Post Comments on Member Content: You have a voice in the Community and you can post your thoughts and feedback on what you find in the members area. This means you can help shape the future content for members and participate in an ongoing discussion about what we are all sharing and learning in the members area.
- How to Attract 'Urgent' Miracles: I've posted an exclusive, candid interview I just did with Craig Perrine, co-author with me of the best seller, Inspired Marketing. We talked in depth about how to Attract Miracles in desperate times. You won't find this audio anywhere else and it's never been released before. If you are going through tough times right now, this is a 'must listen' audio.
And There's More... You Get Instant Access to over $5,000 of My
Courses, Seminar Audios & Videos (and MORE Will Be
Added Each Month...)
Click Here to Get Full Instant Access...
- Zero Limits I - Complete Audio: You get the entire audio and transcripts from my renowned Zero Limits event with Dr. Hew Len. It was $1,000 to attend live, but you will get access to the recordings!
- Zero Limits II - Complete Audio: We've posted the entire audio and transcripts from my famous SECOND Zero Limits weekend with Dr. Hew Len. It was $1,000 to attend live, but you will get access to the recordings in The Attract Miracles Community!
- Get my Awakening Course too: I'll share my best selling course with Attract Miracles Members because I want to help you transform your life as I did, from the inside out. You'll awaken to the four stages over a the coming weeks and literally change your beliefs and get clear to receive the miracles you desire. Whether you want financial freedom, to become physically fit, experience blissful personal or professional relationships, this best selling program will show you the way. This $89 value is just one of the amazing benefits of membership in The Attract Miracles Community.
- Breakthrough Manifestation Weekend - Complete Audio: You get the entire audio and transcripts from my famous weekend event. It was $1,000 to attend live, but you will get access to the recordings in The Attract Miracles Community!
- Breakthrough Manifestation Weekend II - Complete Audio: We also posted the sequel to the first Breakthrough Manifestation weekend in Austin, Texas. It was $1,000 to attend live, but you get access in The Attract Miracles Community!
- Miracles Weekend in San Diego - Complete Video: You get the complete video footage of Dr. Joe Vitale, Mandy Evans, Mark Ryan, Meir Schneider, Wendi Friesen, and Dr. Susan Schumsky from this truly Awakening event.
- My Exclusive Presentation on the AAA Plan to Attracting Wealth. This acclaimed presentation was the first and only time I revealed an inspired plan for attracting the money and abundance miracles you desire... straight from the Attract Wealth Seminar in Austin, Texas. It was $500 to attend the event, and you get my presentation as part of your membership in the Attract Miracles Community.
- Special Intention Events: From time to time I'll announce specific Intentional Meditations for us to focus our energy on. For example, if there is a hurricane or other major event that is looming we as a community can come together to focus our intention on a positive resolution.
- And Too Much More to List Here... by now you get the idea of just how powerful the content, connection, and community in this site are I'm sure.
I have been thrilled and blessed as a result of my membership in the Attract Miracles Community. Come and join us now. Follow Your Bliss and Help Others to Follow Theirs as well.
Take Care,
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